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HeadBlade HeadShed Men’s Exfoliating Scrub – 5 oz – Face Wash & Cleanser – Removes Dead Skin and Preps for Great Shave
HeadBlade HeadShed 5 ounces is the first step of the HeadBlade Shaving Routine
HeadShed is a preshave scrub that exfoliates skin and prepares it for a clean and smooth shave
Exfoliates using fine ground walnuts shells so to rid skin of dead skin cells that may cause ingrown hairs
HeadBlade HeadShed 5 ounces is the first step of the HeadBlade Shaving Routine
HeadShed is a preshave scrub that exfoliates skin and prepares it for a clean and smooth shave
Exfoliates using fine ground walnuts shells so to rid skin of dead skin cells that may cause ingrown hairs
Helps treat ingrown hair, tugging and pulling and preps hair follicles for a close shave
Can be used on you head, face, or body
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